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Slack Integration with TaskQue

Slack is now seamlessly integrated with TaskQue ecosystem.

What does this mean for you?

It means that now you’ll witness unprecedented productivity enhancements and improved coordination and collaboration between your inter/intradepartmental teams, vendors, clients and other stakeholders from virtually anywhere.

What can you achieve with Slack’s integration with TaskQue?

  • Work from anywhere without missing out on important updates
  • Smoothly connect your on TaskQue workspace with your Slack room
  • Receive real-time updates of your tasks and projects
  • Boost coordination between multiple teams and stakeholders

How can your Slack room join forces with TaskQue?

Go to [Manage Workspace]. You will see a list of Workspaces either created by you or shared with you.

Click [Add to Slack] button. This will open a screen where you will be asked to enter your Slack workspace URL.

Upon clicking the [Continue] button you’ll be asked to Slack login screen.

Once logged in, you’ll be asked to confirm your identity on Slack’s workspace.

You’ll be asked to confirm and authorize the Slack channel where you’d like to receive notifications from TaskQue.

Upon successful integration, you’ll be redirected back to TaskQue’s workspace.

Slack integration is available in both free and business packages.

Start Your Productivity Journey in Just Minutes

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